No one wants to be in a cold cell waiting for freedom. This is especially true if you’re waiting for your first court appearance just to find out what’s going on. Although bail’s primary purpose is to ensure that you return to your next court date, it’s frequently set so high that entire family trees can’t come up with enough cash to get their loved one out. And even when they do, conditions of release often make it difficult for clients to get to work, school, or the doctor.
Being charged with a crime is terrible, but jail is worse
Conditions in jail are less than ideal in Louisville and Kentucky. In some jails, the environment is downright inhumane. And although jail isn’t supposed to be a vacation, neither should it be a place where physical and sexual violence are accepted as institutional staples. Sadly, we live in a society that doesn’t seem to care that non-violent offenders are routinely mixed with brutal, often mentally ill, inmates.
How do you get out of jail in Louisville?
Sometimes, judges simply want to know who they’re releasing and to where. I will gather information about you – including employment, medical and any criminal history – so I can secure your release on terms that you and your family can live with. Cash is only one option. Ankle bracelets and home incarceration are also available. Some may even be able to post a property bond.
Whatever your situation, you are entitled to a reasonable bond. Some of the factors a judge must consider when deciding whether or not to grant release are:
- Your criminal history, if any
- Prior convictions involving violence
- History of drug or alcohol abuse
- Employment status
- Community ties
- Family support
- Seriousness of the charge(s)
It’s not just better for you to be out of jail, it’s better for your case. It allows you to go back to work so you can pay your bills and take care of the daily tasks you need to in order to think clearly and help me win your case, rather than just surviving.
Contact the Louisville Criminal Defense Attorneys at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers For Help Today
For more information, contact the criminal defense attorneys at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers give us a call today at (502) 371-7000 or visit us at our Louisville law office.
Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers
214 S Clay St A
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 371-7000