If you have recently been charged with Burglary in Jefferson County, you are probably feeling pretty frightened about your future. You will most likely be worried about the fines or jail time that you may face as a result of your arrest. You might even be concerned about the damage that a criminal conviction will do to your reputation.
Of course, if you would like to avoid these potential negative consequences, you will need to fight back against your charges. You can accomplish this feat by hiring an experienced Louisville criminal defense lawyer – like those here at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers.
Our burglary defense lawyers understand that your future is on the line. That’s why we’ll do everything we can to help you protect it. We offer a free consultation, so call our Louisville law office today at (502) 371-7000 to schedule yours and learn more.
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How Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help You Fight Back Against Your Burglary Charge
When you hire a member of our Louisville legal team, we will fight tooth and nail to defend you against your burglary charge. As part of our efforts to clear your name or minimize your punishment, we will:
Gather Exculpatory Evidence
As soon as you are arrested, the prosecuting attorney and law enforcement officials will start compiling evidence against you. In some cases, they may even begin this process before you are taken into custody. Without question, the best way to fight back against their efforts is to gather some evidence of your own.
At Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers, our criminal defense attorneys have worked on countless burglary cases over the years. As such, we know just where to look to find proof that shows you could not possibly have committed the crime. We will interview witnesses, study electronic records, and review surveillance camera footage to help you clear your name.
Protect Your Constitutional Rights
When investigating, arresting, and interviewing you, the police and prosecution are duty-bound to respect your constitutional rights. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. In an effort to secure a conviction, overzealous officials often cross the line.
When you have one of our knowledgeable defense lawyers by your side, we will make sure that your rights are not violated. Indeed, if law enforcement committed an illegal act before you were able to call us, we can bring it to the judge’s attention. As a result, we may be able to get some evidence, or even your entire case, thrown out.
Negotiate with the Prosecuting Attorney
Shortly after you have been taken into custody, you will most likely be offered a plea bargain by the prosecution. Quite often, however, the deal that you are initially presented with will not be very fair. To get the prosecuting attorney to make the offer more respectable, some negotiation is almost certainly required.
The legal team at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers has worked on countless burglary cases in the past. As such, we understand how to negotiate a more equitable plea bargain. With our attorneys negotiating on your behalf, you may just be able to escape the worst punishments for your burglary charge.
Represent You in Court
If the prosecution is unwilling to offer a fair deal, or you do not wish to accept one, your case will almost certainly be sent to the circuit court. The courtroom process can be confusing and overwhelming, so having an experienced trial lawyer on-hand to represent you is a must.
Our skilled attorneys have handled hundreds of jury trials over the years. As a result, we know exactly how to compose and deliver a compelling argument to the court. We can even offer you legal advice, guidance, and our opinion of your chances as the trial goes on.
The Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers law firm is committed to providing you with the best possible legal defense. If you have been charged with burglary and would like to enlist the help of one of our lawyers in Louisville, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case in greater detail.
Types of Burglary Crimes in Jefferson County, Kentucky
In the state of Kentucky, burglary offenses are categorized into three distinct groups. They are:
Burglary in the First Degree
Section 511.020 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes explains that anyone who unlawfully enters a building with the intent to commit a crime, including theft, while armed with a deadly weapon may be charged with burglary in the first degree. The individual may also be charged with this offense if they use or threaten to use a dangerous instrument on an innocent party during the crime. Indeed, causing any physical injury to an innocent party can lead to a first-degree burglary charge.
For the purposes of this offense, the following items are usually classified as deadly weapons:
- Guns
- Crossbows
- Bats
- Nightsticks
- Artificial knuckles, and
- Blackjacks.
In the state of Kentucky, burglary in the first degree is a Class B felony.
Burglary in the Second Degree
Section 511.030 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes states that anyone who unlawfully enters a dwelling with the intent to commit a crime may be charged with second-degree burglary. No weapons of any kind are necessary to be charged with this offense.
When charging burglary in the second degree, the state of Kentucky defines a “dwelling” as any building which is usually occupied by an individual who lodges within it. Most houses, apartments, condos, and mobile homes are therefore classified as “dwellings.”
Burglary in the second degree is categorized as a Class C felony in Kentucky.
Burglary in the Third Degree
Section 511.040 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes explains that anyone who unlawfully enters a building with the intent to commit a crime may be charged with third-degree burglary. Again, no weapon is required to be charged with this offense.
For the purposes of this offense, a “building” is usually defined as any structure, vehicle, or watercraft where a person lives. However, the “building” term can also cover any structure where people assemble for business, education, religion, or entertainment.
Third-degree burglaries are classified as Class D felonies in the state of Kentucky.
No matter which of these Louisville laws you have been charged with breaking, the Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers team is always here to help. All you need to do is call our law offices and schedule a free consultation. Our experienced attorneys will review your case and provide you with more information on how we can assist you.
Punishments for Louisville Burglary Convictions
The punishment that you are likely to face will depend on the specific burglary offense that you have been charged with:
First-Degree Burglary Punishments
If you are convicted of burglary in the first degree, you could face:
- Up to 20 years in prison
- A fine of up to $10,000
- A lifelong criminal record, and
- Revocation of probation.
Your criminal record will also reflect that you’ve been convicted of a Class B felony. With a felony on your record, you can face challenges in life long after you’ve completed your criminal sentence.
Second-Degree Burglary Punishments
Punishments for a second-degree burglary conviction include:
- Up to 10 years in prison
- A fine of up to $10,000
- A lifelong criminal record, and
- Revocation of probation.
Your criminal record will also reflect that you’ve been convicted of a Class C felony. With a felony on your record, you will be vulnerable to collateral consequences that can affect nearly every aspect of your life.
Third-Degree Burglary Punishments
Burglary in the third degree is punishable by:
- Up to 5 years in prison
- A fine of up to $10,000
- A lifelong criminal record, and
- Revocation of probation.
Again, a conviction will result in a felony on your criminal record. Having a felony on your record can make your life incredibly difficult for years to come, even after you’ve been released from custody and satisfied the terms of your probation.
The attorneys here at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers are experts in all areas of criminal defense. We would love to help you minimize your burglary punishments or avoid them entirely. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.
Potential Defenses Against Your Kentucky Burglary Charges
Having worked in the industry for years, our experienced attorneys have used a wide variety of defense strategies to help clients fight back against their burglary charges. The best arguments to use in your case will, of course, depend on the specifics of the crime. Generally speaking, however, the following defenses tend to be among the most effective:
Mistaken Identity
In some cases, it may be possible for us to argue that you were arrested in error by the police. This can happen if you were out walking at around the same time that someone fitting your description burglarized a home nearby.
Of course, the prosecution is unlikely to simply accept a claim of mistaken identity. We will have to prove it. This feat is most often accomplished by pulling smartphone GPS records or providing an eye-witness who can place you in a different location at the time of the crime.
Once we successfully show that you are not the person they were looking for, you will almost have your charges dismissed immediately.
Lawful Entry
To be arrested and charged with a burglary offense in Kentucky, you must unlawfully enter a building or dwelling. In other words, you must access the space without the consent of the owner or occupant.
If our attorneys can show that you were granted entry to the building or dwelling by the necessary party, the state will no longer have a case. Texts, emails, and written testimony are usually the best ways to show that your entry was not unlawful.
Lack of Intent
Intent is a very important component of Kentucky’s burglary statutes. In some cases, our lawyers may be able to argue and prove that you did not enter the building or dwelling with the intent to commit a crime.
If, for instance, we can show that your intoxicated state caused you to accidentally walk into the wrong house or apartment, we may be able to get your burglary charges dropped. Depending on the specifics of your case, however, you may still face a lesser trespassing charge.
Contact Our Louisville Burglary Defense Law Firm
When you need a Louisville criminal defense attorney, there is only one law firm you need to call – Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers. We have been helping the people of Kentucky fight back against their criminal charges for years, and we would love to do the same for you. Contact our Louisville, KY law office to schedule a free consultation today.
Visit our Law Office in Louisville, Kentucky
Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers
214 S Clay St A
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 371-7000