The Kentucky Lawyer Podcast

Criminal defense and DUI attorney, Bradley Clark, is the voice behind The Kentucky Lawyer podcast. This podcast includes monthly interviews with lawyers licensed to practice in Kentucky. Topics include different aspects of the law and the experiences that go along with this career path. Every episode is approved for one hour of Kentucky CLE credit.

Listen to podcast


You can also download our Kentucky DUI Penalty Chart here.

Education Seminars

KACDL Seminar 2019

The criminal defense attorneys at Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers frequently conduct seminars at local universities and other public institutions to educate the public, police officers and other attorneys about important aspects of the law. Below you can find a list of seminar materials organized by course name. This is not a complete list of seminars presented.

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in having a presentation tailored to your firm or organization. We’re happy to do it…and it’s free! These seminars will often make use of NHTSA training material.

Theory and Attack of HGN – Presented at the Louisville Advanced DUI Seminar

Below are the list of course materials for the HGN presentation by Joe Suhre on April 29, 2016, at the Louisville Advanced DUI Seminar.

Course Materials:

Ohio and Kentucky DUIs – Presented at the Lawyer’s Club of Cincinnati

Joe Suhre presented a 1 hr. CLE on the differences between Ohio and Kentucky DUI cases. There was an emphasis on the substantive legal differences as well as practice pointers that all Ohio and Kentucky lawyers who handle DUI cases should know.

Course Materials:

KACDL Seminar – Advanced DUI Defense

Below are the list of course materials for the DUI Seminar offered by the Kentucky Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

DUI and Immigration CLE Seminar

Suhre & Associates did a seminar focused on a client’s admissibility to Canada based on their criminal history. Course material provided below:

Seminar Material: DUI and Immigration CLE -11_26_14.pdf

NHTSA Training Manuals

DWI Detection & Standardized Field Sobriety Testing:

SFST Refresher Training Course:

SFST Teacher-Trainer:

Introduction to Drugged Driving:

Drugs That Impair Driving:

DRE Pre-School:

DRE 7-Day School:

Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE):

Partner With Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers

Criminal defense and personal injury cases are complex. Partner with a team of attorneys of more than 100 years of experience. Our firm has developed a reputation that drives results and puts our clients first. Our attorneys want to collaborate with law firms and solo practitioners across the Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky regions. 

To discuss a potential partnership agreement with our firm, please fill out the confidential contact form on this page or give us a call at (513) 592-3291. Someone from our team will reach out to you to discuss the details. Learn more about the cases Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers handles here.