Criminal Defense

What Does Disposed Mean for a Case Status in Louisville? 

If you have questions about a case status, it is important to know that the court and prosecutor are not your friends. You are better off calling a criminal defense attorney with questions. If your case is still open and pending, you could incriminate yourself by talking with a prosecutor. Additionally, the court clerk and… read more

Tips for an Effective Character Letter for a Judge

Suhre & Associates DUI and Criminal Defense Lawyers Louisville criminal defense lawyers discuss some important tips for an effective character letter for a judge in this blog. Character letters are an important tool in a defense lawyer’s arsenal. These letters can be extremely powerful at sentencing hearings after a conviction or guilty plea.  A judge… read more

The Best States For Responsible Gun Owners

The Constitution states that the right for citizens to bear arms shall not be infringed. Still, there’s been much debate regarding the types of guns citizens can legally own. Many states have enacted laws that make it difficult to obtain and own certain firearms. Perhaps you’re a responsible gun owner and a law-abiding citizen. You… read more

How to Prepare for a Consultation with a Criminal Defense Lawyer

When you hire a criminal defense lawyer, you may feel anxious or intimidated. But a criminal defense lawyer’s job is not to judge you for your alleged offense. Criminal defense lawyers serve a necessary role in the criminal justice system. They can often help you avoid some of the worst consequences of a criminal conviction…. read more

What to Do After Being Arrested

Being arrested can be a frightening and traumatic experience. It can be difficult to know what you should do after being arrested. One thing you need to understand is that the police officers and the prosecutor believe you are guilty. Therefore, trying to talk your way out of the arrest is not going to benefit… read more

Six Things to Consider When Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

When looking to hire a criminal defense lawyer, the matter is usually urgent. However, even if time is of the essence, it is important to take the time to make your decision carefully. Your choice of attorney can significantly affect how your criminal unfolds. When looking for a lawyer, getting a good match between the… read more

What is Wanton Endangerment?

The tragic shooting and death of Breonna Taylor have been in the news for months. Unfortunately, the allegations of police misconduct, excessive force, and other wrongdoing continue even though a grand jury charged a former police detective with wanton endangerment in the first degree. No criminal charges were issued against the other police officers involved… read more

2020 in Louisville: Violent Crime Up, Property Crime Down

Cities throughout the country are reporting increases in the rate of violent crimes in 2020. Louisville is no exception.  Data collected through August 8 by the Louisville Metropolitan Police Department reveals the same type of data that other cities are notating. The rate of violent crimes is increasing, while the rates of other types of… read more

Can You Shoot Someone Who Breaks Into Your House?

A common question people ask, no matter what part of the country they come from, is if it is okay to shoot someone who breaks into your home. In Kentucky, the answer is usually “yes.” However, there are a number of details and key concepts related to this topic that are important to understand. First… read more

40 Days, 100 Shooting Victims, Louisville’s Violent Crime Continues To Spike

Louisville continues to experience record-breaking numbers of shootings and violent crimes. As of July 7, 2020, officials report a 107 percent increase in the number of non-fatal shootings compared to the same time last year. Murders had increased by 40 percent from the same period last year. In just a couple of days, five people… read more