Sex Crimes

Indecent Exposure Laws in Kentucky

Understanding Kentucky’s specific indecent exposure laws is crucial for any criminal defendant facing these charges. Being informed about these laws can help defendants understand the charges against them and identify potential legal defenses.  What is Indecent Exposure? In the state of Kentucky, indecent exposure refers to the act of intentionally exposing one’s genitals in a… read more

Surprising Things That Can Make You a Sex Offender

Being labeled a sex offender carries heavy social and legal consequences. Typically associated with acts of sexual assault or exploitation, several less obvious behaviors – and even misdemeanors – can also lead to this serious designation.  Understanding the full scope of actions that may result in being required to register as a sex offender is… read more

 Are Sex Offenders Required to Notify Neighbors and Employers in Louisville, KY?

A conviction for a sex crime can result in severe criminal penalties. For example, you may be ordered to pay a fine and be sentenced to jail time. Additionally, most sex crimes convictions in Kentucky result in the requirement to register with the sex offender registry. Convictions for rape, sexual assault, and child pornography are… read more

Kentucky Sex Offender Registration

If you are a defendant facing sex crime charges in Kentucky, you need to understand the requirements and consequences of sex offender registration. Being included on a sex offender registry carries profound personal ramifications and substantial restrictions that can impact every aspect of your life.  When and For How Long Does Someone Have to Register… read more

Is It Illegal To Have Sex in a Car in Louisville, KY?

It may seem adventurous to meet someone or arrange to meet your partner and have sex in a car. Unless it is against the law, two consenting adults can have sex whenever they desire. However, having sex in a car in Louisville, KY, might break a few laws under certain circumstances.  Cars are not always… read more

How To Prove Innocence When Falsely Accused of Sexual Assault

In today’s world, the importance of trusting survivors and addressing the pervasive issue of sexual assault cannot be overstated. However, a small number of individuals face the consequences of false accusations. In such delicate situations, both empathy and vigilance are necessary to ensure that justice prevails.  Consider the following steps if you find yourself in… read more

How Far Is 1,000 Feet Within a School Area in Miles?

Distance matters in the law. Criminal statutes use distances to draw out bright-line barriers that certain members of the public must obey. For example, sex offenders must follow specific distance guidelines when choosing where to live. However, determining this distance may be a challenge in some cases. Distance measuring formulas and starting and stopping points… read more

What is the Difference Between Escorting and Prostitution?

There is some confusion about whether escort services fall under the same laws as prostitution in Kentucky. Unfortunately, the term escort is often mistakenly used for a prostitute. However, the terms are not interchangeable. You can provide escort services without being charged with a crime. A problem arises if you offer sexual favors as part… read more

Are Escorts Legal in Louisville?

Today, you can order practically anything from the comfort of your home. From books and electronics, to medicine and groceries, seemingly everything is a click away. Even human companionship. Is that companionship legal? The short answer is that it depends on what kind of companionship you’re looking for. Is Paid Companionship Legal in Louisville? If… read more