Criminal Law

Kentucky Self-Defense Laws

Individuals have the right to defend themselves from harm. However, a person could be accused of committing a crime, even though the person was acting in self-defense. Kentucky’s self-defense laws could help the person avoid an assault charge if the person was acting to protect themselves or another person. What is Self Defense? Self-defense occurs… read more

Could Kentucky go into Martial Law due to Coronavirus?

It is not likely that demands for martial law because of the coronavirus would be taken seriously by any state or federal government official. Our governments are not interested in turning over control to the military. However, stories about National Guard units assisting state governments in their response to the coronavirus have led to rumors… read more

Things Cops Do That Are Illegal: What a Police Officer Can and Cannot Do

Police officers are not above the law. When they make errors or cross the line into illegal conduct, they can be held accountable for their wrongdoing. A law enforcement officer may not commit a crime while on duty or off duty. In either case, the law holds the officer accountable for his or her actions…. read more

What Is a Criminal Defense Attorney and When Do You Need One?

The U.S. Constitution makes it clear that any U.S. citizen accused of a crime must be provided with representation. This can be by hiring a private attorney or using a court-appointed one. In some cases, you can also represent yourself in court. What exactly does a criminal defense attorney do? Is it important to hire… read more

4 Things to Remember If You’re Up Against False Accusations in Court

Why would someone want to make a false accusation? False accusations happen in divorces and child custody cases where one parent thinks the allegation will give them an advantage in court. False accusations can also be made regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, assault, or domestic violence. They can have real consequences both criminally and… read more

10 Examples of Police Misconduct

The term “police misconduct” can be used to describe a wide range of improper or illegal actions on the part of law enforcement officers. These actions may involve police brutality, malicious prosecution, or witness tampering. Some of the most famous police misconduct cases on record include: Officers Eddie Martins and Richard Hall – Rape and… read more

What if I Don’t Show Up For Jury Duty?

If you’re received a jury duty notification letter from the Jefferson County Judicial Center (JCJC), that’s definitely a date you want to keep. If you have thoughts about blowing it off, don’t. By sending you the notification, the court expects you to show up. If you do not, you could be looking at fines, jail… read more

8 Questions You Should Ask During Interactions with the Police

When you are pulled over on the highway or receive a visit from the police at your home, it can sometimes be tricky to know what to say. You want to make sure you don’t say the wrong thing and end up facing criminal charges. You can, of course, always opt to remain silent. Before… read more

Are Hidden Nanny Cams Actually Legal?

It has never been easier to set up and hide nanny security cameras than it is today. A couple of decades ago, these secretive devices needed to be concealed in a stuffed animal or another large object. Nowadays, however, technology has improved to the point where it is possible to put a camera into even… read more

Top 10 Weirdest Laws in the State of Kentucky

Throughout its history, officials in the Kentucky state legislature and at local county levels have passed a long list of laws and regulations. While they surely had the best of intentions when the laws were drawn up, the times and society have changed – even though some of the laws did not. Whether the laws… read more